Ruggiero Cavallo
Principal Research Scientist
Yahoo Research
New York, NY

♞ New working paper: Social Distancing Equilibrium.

For work I do a mix of computer science and microeconomics research, focused on game theory, auctions, and mechanism design.

Some academic history:

- Started college at Hamilton, finished at Cornell (computer science).
- PhD from Harvard (computer science, advisor: David Parkes).
- Postdocs at UPenn and Yahoo Research / MSR.

Some work history:

Between college and grad school I spent a year writing programs for the Hubble space telescope. After a postdoc at Yahoo, I was a founding member of the Microsoft Research lab in New York, then I came back to Yahoo Research in the Fall of 2013 and have been there ever since.

I like to write and play songs. I'm married and we have three children.

•  Research and publications.

•  Dissertation.

•  CV.

•  Old photo with "the gates".

•  Bella Dental NYC.

Giro Cavallo
Last modified: Jan 2022